Reaching out in Love Week 6 of the Master Keys

I will greet this day with love in my heart.

Not so easy when you are seemingly having a bad day.

It’s a choice.

The choice is not always easy.

How many times during the day are we presented with opportunities to practice this ability to choose?

For some thousands.  The key is not to look at the countless failures, but to rejoice in the successes taking place during the day. Why not a list of things to be grateful for? A realization of your success in choosing positive over negative.

On my way home today, I had to merge into a long line of cars that were combining from 4 lanes into 2. Instead of gripping the wheel and commanding others to let me into the lane, I chose to love all the cars in the line and a space magically opened up. Love=ease=magic. Learning to love in a similar fashion to the way that our heavenly Father loves us is the key to all our successes in life. It can only bring good, even if the situation seems poor. Choosing love at a time that seems like there is not a chance to love is a decision. Loving in that kind of situation takes guts and determination. When you are in the middle of a situation that seems bad, taking a second look only gives you the opportunity to see through different colored glasses that shines light into the dark recesses, allowing a shine that you did not see before.


All the best,


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